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Druckkamm mit Federelementen zur erzeugung eines konstanden Anpressdruckes an Holzbearbeitungsmaschienen wie Kreissägen, Fräsmaschienen und Oberfräsen. Schützt die Hände vor verletzungen beim bearbeiten von kleinen Holzwerkstücken an Spananbnehmenden Maschienen.
Hand tools for woodworking, the planer the trutzelle Werkzueh of the carpenter. Single-hand planer made of high-quality gray cast iron, polished sole. In the size adjustable mouth for rough and fine work. By changing the mouth width of the span is spoken differently. Brass adjusting screws for fine adjustment of the hand plane. Suitable for planing end grain and for fringing wood surfaces. The surface treatment by means of a hand plane produces better surfaces as when working with planers and ground surfaces, it is only a little more time consuming.
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